
Posts Tagged ‘Trifecta writing challenge week 34’

Frank grinned in agreement. Only Macy could sit there with smoldering hair, chanting like a witch and then remember wanting wet wipes after licking the frosting from her fingers.

He wasn’t completely unready, though. Stuffing his hand between his seat and the console, his fingers twined down, reaching for his hidden stash.

I’m nothing if not prepared, he thought as his fingers caught the little square packet. Thank goodness for take-out. Although, that wasn’t the best chicken I’ve ever eaten, Frank frowned. Grasping the packet between his fingers, he passed it over to Macy, his fingers lingering a questionable moment longer than necessary.

Macy fumbled as she tried to open the packet. It wasn’t working. Despite her fingers being sticky, she couldn’t seem to get a grip on the corner and rip it open.

Frank watched her trembling fingers. What the hell is going on now, he wondered. Was there something in the smoke from her hair making her high? Is her blood sugar going through the roof because of the cake?

With trepidation, he leaned over, steadying her hands with his. Fingers on the corner of the packet, he gripped and tore. One fluid motion and the packet was open. He waited for her to pull it out.

Aw, hell. What’s happening now? Frank wanted to know the cause of her reluctance to get the contents out of the packet. It almost took him back to another point and time……….

Shaking his head visibly, he said, “Macy? What’s wrong? It won’t bite, you know,” his voice barely audible.

Frank gasped when she turned and looked at him. He could see fireworks reflected in her eyes; confusion, fear, anger- longing? They were all there.

How could he not see? They were so obvious in her eyes; this display of intense conflict.

And then he saw something else. He saw the fireworks of the starry sky become a background for the fireworks consuming the building behind him.

“What the hell did your chanting do?”


Happy 4th of July! It should come as no surprise that the prompt this week for the Trifecta writing challenge (week 34) is fireworks.  😆

If you’re new or have missed parts to this never-ending saga of fun, click on this Gunz-N-Roses link here or the tab on each page to read the rest of the story.

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